Cloud installation/migration services
When considering cloud installation/migration services, you will need to put up the best infrastructure to serve your users’ needs. Berg Software supports you in making the right decisions, with services ranging from consultancy to integration and migration.We turn ideas into software. What is yours?
Cloud installation and migration services _

Cloud-related consultancy
What is your application’s goal? Whom does it need to reach? Do you already have a deployment infrastructure? What are your metrics (e.g. cost structure, required security level etc.)?
These are some of the cloud-related topics that we discuss with clients, before recommending and committing to the appropriate level of cloud deployment. We know that between on-premise and full-cloud there are many shades of hybrid, and support our clients in choosing and implementing their most appropriate solutions.

Cloud-ready applications
Not every application needs to be cloud-based. But for those that do need it, you want to make sure they are designed in a way that allows for cloud deployment.
At Berg Software, we consider scalability from the very beginning. We build flexible, expandable architectures that allow for cloud deployment. This way, you are future- and technology-proof.

Integration of cloud ready-made modules
There are cases when integrating ready-made cloud services on a pay-as-you-go basis (e.g. AI, IoT, speech recognition, chatbox etc.) is more attractive than building your own.
Berg Software has extensive experience integrating various cloud building blocks into clients’ applications. Although we recommend these solutions mainly because of reduced development time and cost, individual decisions need to be made on a case-by-case basis.

Cloud migration
Existing on-premise applications can be migrated to cloud – with care. Challenges can come in many forms, such as incompatible systems, database issues, or plain lack of skills.
When considering cloud migration, we start by developing the right end-to-end strategy. We bring the appropriate skills, processes, and validation methods, to make sure that your applications are scaled *and* functional.
Case studies: Cloud installation and migration services _
Enterprise BI solution / Fortune 500 Co.
Web-based BI solution for the storage systems industry. It provides world-wide secured access for business units into valuable data, analysis and insights.
Enterprise communication regulation between contracting parties
Application to facilitate communications between members depending on their roles. Imports data from SAP and makes it available as projects and orders to the privileged users. Platform for communication and tasks.
Preventive maintenance of manufacturing lines in a factory
An application that allows engineers to register new machines, mark operation points, schedule service intervals, view calendar of cleaning, inspection and lubrication activities.